Sunday 12 August 2007

Khoodeelaar! No to Xrail hole inviter candidate at Shadwell-first report 10.08.2007

Shadwell ward by-election derails Crossrail hole plot-backer against the East End of London!

By©Muhammad Haque
0140 Hrs GMT London Friday 10 August 2007

Shadwell in the East London inner city borough of Tower Hamlets is still under the overall influence fo a very Blaired operation at the corruptly-controlled Tower Hamlets Council. But the East London Council ward witnessed a minor signal failure on Thursday 9 August 2007.__The result of the signal failure was that a vehicle, an agent, a tout for Big Business was derailed. At least for the time being. Michael Keith, the Blairing candidate, was defeated by under 100 votes. A fact that the Blairing propaganda operatives were seeking to use as some sort of evidence that the defeat was not convincing enough proof that the Blairing assault was rejected by the people who made up the active electors in Shadwell. The idea that a majority of 97 in a poll of counted votes totalling under 4000 votes in a Council ward did not amount to a ‘victory’ is not credible at all. Yet that is exactly what the Blairing propaganda operatives were being asked to say about the defeat of Michael Keith at Shadwell. That Keith the Blairing Candidate has been dealt a blow in Shadwell on two occasions [two elections] in a row must not be used by his ‘opponents’ to gloat at all. The Tower Hamlets Council still remains in the grip of the operatives who have been carrying out the same agenda, supporting the same attacks on the public provisions as Michael Keith did. No doubt his derailment will be a temporary relief to the ‘party’ organisation – or what there is of the Bethnal Green and Bow MP George Galloway’s ‘RESPECT’ ‘party’. __But that relief must be extended into action by the WHOLE community to defend the community against a 'local' Council I which has on the face of it the ‘mandate’ of the electorate and which is abusing that mandate to destroy the very important and life-saving and life enhancing infrastructure needed by the community. What I told a satellite TV news recorder in a one minute statement during the afternoon [Thursday 9 August 2007] outside the Bigland Street polling station was that the best candidate to deserve the peoples’ votes on the day would be the one who would defend the community’s rights and who would speak up for the community upon their election and throughout the period of their being a councillor.. Can Harun Miah, the new councillor for Shadwell, live up to that standard that I articulated ?__For the prevention of the attacks in the local community will not be made possible by the indulgent disarray within the RESPECT group of COUNCILLORS or by its version within what they ca the ‘RESPECT” party! The prevention of the attacks on the East End being carried out via Tower Hamlets Council will be the test. To make the derailment permanent, lessons must be learnt immediately. Those lessons must be based on what was witnessed in the middle of the afternoon in the Bigland Street polling station. As I had asked a Metropolitan Police officer within minutes of Carole Swords arrest, 'Was it necessary to arrest Carole?' I have already reported the Police officer's response. But other people who also witnessed the arrest as I did, have raised questions including the role of the Tower Hamlets electoral returning officer. They are of the view that Martin Smith who is the Council's chief executive and is by that fact the returning officer, must be asked to explain the heavy handed behaviour of the police towards Carole Swords. Analogous to that would be the type of behaviour that was prevalent when Christine Gilbert was in post as chief executive. _